Bag of Boulders Bag of Rocks Battle Hammer +4 Battle Hammer +2 Battle Hammer +1 Battle Hammer Throwing Hammer +3 Throwing Hammer +2 Throwing Hammer +1 Throwing Hammer Poison Throwing Daggers Well-balanced daggers that have been tainted with a vile poison. Throwing Daggers +1 Well-balanced daggers that have been enchanted to magically increase their accuracy. Throwing Daggers Well-balanced daggers that are designed to be thrown by a skilled hand. Staff Not much more than a striped branch of a hardwood tree. Halberd +1 A large and cumbersome weapon. It does great damage if used correctly. Halberd A large and cumbersome weapon. It does great damage if used correctly. Pike Axe +1 A large and cumbersome weapon. It does great damage if used correctly. Pike Axe A large and cumbersome weapon. It does great damage if used correctly. War Hammer +1 An effective weapon for dealing a might-crushing blow. War Hammer A heavy but effective weapon for dealing a might-crushing blow. Stone Axe A crude weapon commonly used by primitives of all sorts. Stone Hammer A crude weapon commonly used by primitives of all sorts. Exploding Arrow of Antioch This vile arrow will explode when used. Is nothing sacred? Arrow Storm Arrow of Transportation Flaming Arrow Arrow of Death Merely nocking this arrow is enough to bring fear into the hearts of many. Arrow of Lightning A shocking surprise is in store for the recipient of this tricky arrow. Arrow of Seeking Its name implies its worth. Though no more powerful than a normal arrow, it never misses. Arrow of Saphron +3 Used in the Saphrinie wars, these wicked shafts deal a mighty blow. Club of Pummeling +4 A mighty weapon that does double normal club damage in addition to its magical damage. Club +2 This magically-enhanced club is a delight to wield, even for those that normally shun such weapons. Club Heavy and cumbersome. This is the preferred weapon of those that rely on brute force. Spear of Wondrous Might +5 The name tells all. This is a legendary weapon even among the gods. Spear of Might +3 Wielded by the proud defenders of Heshimite. The haughty goddess has blessed this mighty weapon with the will to fight. Spear of Piercing +2 A marvelous spear believed stolen by Theleb K'aarna. Spear +1 A fine weapon that is as deadly as it is easy to use. Spear A sturdy shaft with a nasty point. Staff of Missiles +1 This staff acts as a Staff +1 except that it can cast Power Level 7 Magic Missiles. Staff of Stones +2 This staff casts power level 7 Brim Stones as the clerical spell of the same name. Staff of FireBalls +1 This staff casts fireballs just as the spell. Any class can use it and the power level is random per use. Staff of Spells +2 A weapon for the aggressive of mind and body, this powerful weapon is worth a king's ransom. Staff of Protection +2 Favored among magi of the more paranoid sort, this beautiful piece is a valuable ally. Staff of Striking +4 This ancient weapon's origin is unknown. The creator of this weapon was mighty indeed. Dart of Poison A truly vile idea to turn one of the most harmless of weapons into one of the most powerful. Dart of Mental Terror A small, but sometimes useful item. This seemingly simple dart can sunder the very mind of those it strikes. Dart of Frost Contemplate the chilling prick of this cold-hearted weapon. It brings a chill to the very spine of the world. Dart of Hornet's Nest Woe is the creature stung by this sinister dart. Darts Bow +1 A handy weapon for dealing with foulness at a distance. Bow of Shalomar +2 This mystical weapon was thought to have been lost when the Golden Elves were banished from the material plane. That does not now seem to be the case. Bow of Thumbs -3 A criminal creation this is. Somewhere a wizard laughs. Perrins' Eye +3 A bow of great import. This fabled weapon is rumored to have once slain Demerog the Deadly. Bow Made of fine wood, this bow will be of great use in the hands of a great warrior. Quarter Staff Quarter Staff Quarter Staff +2 A mighty weapon for those who are not stout of body. Staff of Merlin +3 A wizard who possesses this unique item is truly a person to be dealt with. Quarter Staff +1 Cut from a living Tree Ent, this weapon is hated by the trees. Quarter Staff A sturdy shaft of oak. Inexpensive, but you get what you pay for. Battle-axe of Death -2 Faaaughh!! What sick wizardry is this? It inflicts damage on the wrong side!!! Battle-axe +3 Might on the hoof. Nobody dares cross the path of he who wields this mighty weapon. Battle-axe of Strength +2 A mighty weapon! He who can brag ownership of this weapon is a hard man. Battle-axe of Varg +2 This fabled weapon is capable of storing and casting first level magic users' spells. Battle-axe +1 A beautiful weapon, it is commonly found with officers of the Comair infantry. Battle-axe Heavy but cheap, this is the weapon preferred by the common man-at-arms. Throwing Axe +2 A beautifully balanced weapon from the forge of a superior craftsman. Throwing Axe of Sketch +1 A most interesting weapon, it returns to the hand of its wielder as if by magic when thrown. Throwing Axe Handy in a pinch, but of limited quality. Biting Vipers +1 A poisonous sting is the reward for any who fall prey to the vipers. Throwing Stars +1 A superior balance and cut make these flying weapons of death cut a path through the enemy with ease. War Axe of Strength +2 War Axe of Weakness -2 This cursed weapon must be from the bowels of hell itself. War Axe +3 From the treasure chambers of Reorx himself, this mighty axe is capable of hewing down the most mighty of foes. War Axe +2 A rare find indeed, this weapon is a most powerful friend. War Axe +1 A well-balanced axe, this weapon is of obvious magical origin. War Axe Preferred by stout fighters, this heavy and clumsy weapon is most effective if you can hit your foe. Sword of Regeneration +2 Sword of The Omen -3 Short Sword of Defense +2 Short Sword +3 A small weapon that packs a punch as well as a hefty price. Short Sword of Speed +2 Valued by the thief, this weapon is a god-send in a cramped, fighting environment. Short Sword A cheap alternative to the bare fist. Penetration Tip Sword +2 A one-of-a-kind weapon, it is far more powerful than it looks. It can penetrate any armor. Sword of The Powers +4 Tip Sword of Stench -2 Tip Sword Flail of Devilish Dare +4 Flail of No Hope -3 Flail of Doom +5 The adventurer who possesses this need not sleep light. It takes a mighty foe even to look its possessor in the eye. Flail of Cat Tails +4 A cute name, but that is where the pleasantries end. This weapon is feared by even its master. Flail +2 This weapon seems to respond to mere thoughts. It is indeed valuable. Flail A poorly made flail of limited worth and use. Morning Star of Pain -2 Morning Star of Defense +2 Throwing Stars These ancient weapons can be thrown with sufficient force to cause great damage twice per melee round. Morning Star +4 Feared by all, this is a legendary weapon. Legend says that it was created by the god of Bug Bears. Morning Star +2 Light in the hand, this weapon can deal a powerful blow. Morning Star A crude, iron ball with spikes. This weapon is as hard to weal as it is to look at. Jo Stick of Tragedy -3 Jo Stick of Rygar +4 Jo Stick of Protection +2 Jo Stick of Speed +2 Jo Stick +2 Jo Stick +1 Jo Stick Nunchucka of Kanfir +3 The Four Winds +4 The Sleeping Dragon -2 Nunchuka of Dexterity +2 Nunchuka of Speed +2 Never has a weapon of its kind been seen until now. A monk's dream enacted. Nunchuka +2 A mighty weapon in the hands of a monk, this weapon is prized by all. Nunchuka +1 Shining studs appear to be this weapons only virtue to the untrained eye. Nunchuka Made of polished teak, this weapon is useable only by the skilled. Mace of Resistance +2 Mace of Evil Heroism -2 Mace of Disruption +2 Mace of Destruction +3 This weapon is extremly powerful has always been of the hands of those that are evil. Mace +2 Prized by the most noble of clerics, this weapon is a great prize. Mace +1 The gods have smiled on this beautiful dealer of mortal death. Mace Heavy but effective, this weapon is preferred by the holy warrior. Scimitar of Dodging +2 This mystic weapon gives total protection from missile weapons. Scimitar of Trickery -2 A foul curse brought about by an evil druid so long ago. Even the gods do not remember why. Scimitar of Speed +2 The preferred weapon of the thief. This weapon will please the pickiest of pickpockets. Scimitar +3 An awesome weapon preferred by the skilled. It is quite a rare find. Scimitar +1 A magical feel permeates this blade's fine lines. Scimitar Preferred by the crafty, this weapon is true only to a brave master. Sword of Defense +1 Sword of Ill Repute -2 Sword of The Voltar +2 Two-Handed Electro Sword +2 A weapon that was forged by the god Xaphini to his mortal son. Alas, he is long dead, but the magic lives on. Two-Handed Sword +2 Truly a mighty weapon. No robber knight has ever dreamed of possessing such a weapon. Two-handed Sword +1 This weapon would seem large and cumbersome if it wasn't for the fact that even in the hands of a novice, this weapon is deadly. Two-handed Sword It takes a true brute to use a weapon of this girth. Penetration Broadsword +2 Once thought to be buried with Drahkma the Merciless, this powerful weapon's true location will now spread like wildfire. Broadsword +2 A weapon fit for a lord. This weapon will bring many a jealous stare. Broadsword +1 A gleaming weapon of superior craftsmanship. Broadsword A cumbersome weapon that looks far better at a distance. Sword of The Lost Soul -3 Sword of No Redemption -2 Longsword of Protection +2 Sword of Resistance +2 Longsword +2 Frostbrand Truly a gift from the gods, for this weapon can freeze any ilk which it strikes. Longsword +2 Flametongue A heavenly weapon, able to inflict damage on creatures normally untouched but by the most powerful of weapons. Longsword +3 Easily the most beautiful weapon of its kind. This weapon speaks of lost kingdoms and battles won. Longsword +2 A beautiful weapon that is a rare find even in the tales of legends. Longsword +1 A fine blade for the experienced adventurer. Longsword This heavy and crude weopon is preferred by none but the common thug. Frozen Viper +2 Forged in the times of the Dragon Wars as a potent defense against the red dragons. Dagger of Spells +1 Dagger of Anti-Magic +1 Sting +3 A fabled weapon thought only to exist in legend until now. The possessor of this weapon can truly be counted among the worthy. Dagger of Penetration +2 A weapon enchanted with the most powerful of magic. Dagger of Styx +2 Dagger -5 This weapon is truly cursed. It is so foul as to heal its intended victim. Dagger of Shielding +2 Probably one of the most lovely weapons of its kind, truly a valuable weapon. Dagger +1 A fine blade, obviously of some magical origin. Dagger A crudely crafted weapon that will suffice in a pinch.